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Built-in Effect

The engine provides a set of common built-in shaders, located in the internal -> effects directory of the Assets panel of the editor. Double-click a shader file to open it in an external IDE for viewing and editing (provided that Default Script Editor needs to be configured in Preferences -> External Programs).

Creator roughly categorizes built-in shaders into the following categories:

  • internal:Internal functionality shaders, such as In-editor gizmo, geometry renderer. Users generally do not need to pay attention to these.
  • pipeline:Pipeline effects shaders, including deferred lighting, post-effects, anti-aliasing, and more.
  • util:Holds some loose built-in shaders, such as dcc material importing and sequence frame animations. Users generally do not need to pay attention to these.
  • for2d:2D rendering shaders, such as spine and sprite.
  • particles:Particle effect shaders.
  • advanced:Advanced material with surface shader, such as water, skin, hair, jade.
  • Others are built-in shaders, please refer to the description below for details.

Built-in pipeline effect

pipeline effect

Effect namedescription
bloom.effectFull-screen bloom effect
deferred-lighting.effectLighting process in the deferred-rendering pipeline
planar-shadow.effectPlanar shadow
skybox.effectSkybox shader
smaa.effectSMAA Antialiasing
tonemap.effectEngine reserved

Built-in effect

built-in effect

Material Effect namedescription
builtin-terrain.effectDefault terrain effect
builtin-toon.effectToon shading
Other Effect namedescription
Billboard is a rendering technique that makes objects always face the camera, suitable for rendering trees, healthing point bars, etc.
builtin-camera-texture.effectcamera texture
builtin-clear-stencil.effectclear stencil cache
builtin-graphics.effectGraphics effect
builtin-occlusion-query.effectOcclusion query
builtin-particle-trail.effectTrail for particle system
builtin-particle.effectCPU-based rendergin for particle system
builtin-particle-gpu.effectGPU-based rendering for particle system
Please refer to Particle Renderer to understand the useage of these two effects
builtin-reflection-deferred.effectFor reflection handling in deferred-rendering
builtin-spine.effectEffect for spine skeleton animation
builtin-sprite.effectBuilt-in standard sprite effect
builtin-sprite-gpu.effectEngine reserved
builtin-wireframe.effectWireframe effect