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Skin material

In the game skin, if the use of ordinary BRDF material is often not enough red and transparent performance because the real skin structure is more complex, we need to refer to subsurface scattering, restore the skin SSS effect, and make the performance level more rich.

Use of skin material

  1. To use skin material, you need to turn on the custom pipeline. For detailed steps, please refer to Custom rendering of pipelines.

  2. Using skin materials requires some additional macro definition configuration. Open the Project Settings panel by clicking on the Project menu, and navigate to the Macro Configurations page.

    • Check the ENABLE_FLOAT_OUTPUT option. If unchecked, the engine will also automatically detect if a skin material is available each time it starts and change this option to guarantee the correct effect, but a warning message will be generated.


  3. To use the skin material you need to add skin material to the model:

    • Create a new material. To create a new material, please refer to Material Assets
    • Select advanced/skin for effect in the material.


  4. Specify a model as a global skin model: Optional, usually specifying the model corresponding to the head or body. The engine needs to know the scale of the model corresponding to the skin material in order to calculate the skin scattered light correctly. If no model is checked, the model with the skin material will be automatically selected for calculation.

    • Select the Node of the skin model, find the cc.MeshRenderer component in the Inspector panel, and check the Is Global Standard Skin Object option in the component configuration menu.

    Note: Is Global Standard Skin Object can only be checked in one render component in the scene. Repeatedly checking in other rendering components will invalidate the previous check.


Adjustment of skin parameters

  1. skin configuration in the global panel.

  2. skin configuration in materials.

    • Subcutaneous Scattering Intensity: This value controls the skin's moistness and subcutaneous scattering intensity, which produces a reddish scattering effect in the transition areas between light and dark. When adjusting the skin material intensity for a single model, you can find Sss Intensity in the Inspector panel of the skin material to set it, or you can add a USE SSS MAP map to the skin material to precisely control the intensity of the skin effect for each organ of the face.
