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Toon Shading

Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR), as opposed to Physical Based Rendering (PBR), achieves a completely different art representation from the real world through feature-based rendering.

Toon Shading is one of the common effects of non-realistic rendering.

Usually cartoon rendering contains the following basic components:

  • Stroke objects
  • Reducing the number of color gradations and simulating color gradation discontinuities
  • Separation of light and dark tones
  • Shade shape interference, etc.



Creator provides a built-in toon rendering shader builtin-toon.effect, as an example, we switch the shader in the Effect property to builtin-toon.effect in the material resource, we can see that the toon rendering consists of two rendering passes.

toon pass

  • Pass 0: used for stroking, not enabled by default, can be enabled by checking USE_OUTLINE_PASS on the right side.
  • Pass 1: normal rendering of the model

Pass 0

Pass 0 selects the culling mode in the rasterization state to frontal culling (CullMode = FRONT) and expands the model's vertices along the normals, resulting in a larger monochrome model than the original model, after which Pass 1 renders the model once normally and masks the rendering of Pass 0, leaving a solid color edge to form a stroke since the model size of Pass 1 is smaller than that of Pass 0.


Pass 0 can be turned on or off by checking USE_OUTLINE_PASS.

When USE_OUTLINE_PASS is checked to turn on the stroke function for Pass 0, the effect is as follows.


If you need to adjust the depth effect of the stroke, you can do so with the DepthBias property.


When USE_OUTLINE_PASS is unchecked to turn off the stroke function for Pass 0, the effect is as follows.


Pass 1

The core idea of cartoon rendering is to simulate the Celluloid painting style in cartoons by reducing the number of color gradations.

Reduces the color scale to three shades in the shader and is composed by three colors:

  • baseColor:Basic colors
  • shadeColor1:First-order coloring of colors
  • shadeColor2:Second-order coloring of colors

The color corresponds to the editor material properties as follows:


If USE_1ST_SHADE_MAP and USE_2ND_SHADE_MAP are checked, the texture is used externally to simulate the color scale discontinuity.

shade map

The parameters of the surface shader (ToonSurface) are calculated by the shader's surf method, and the final shading is calculated by the CCToonShading method.

surf code

Parameters and pre-compiled macro definitions

Pass 0

lineWidthThe width of the stroke
depthBiasDepth shift adjustment factor for stroke
baseColorStroke base color

Pass 1

tilingOffsetScaling and offset of the model UV, xy corresponds to scaling, zw corresponds to offset
mainColorThe primary color, which will be used as the initial color gradient
colorScaleColor scaling, multiplying RGB channels for primary, first-order and second-order colors
alphaThresholdSet the Alpha test threshold. Pixels with Alpha values below the set value will be discarded. This item is only displayed when USE_ALPHA_TEST is checked
shadeColor1First order color. This color will be used as an intermediate color for cartoon coloring
shadeColor2Secondary order color. This color will be used as the last color scale of the cartoon coloring
specularspecular color
baseStepStep size for first-order coloring
baseFeatherFirst-order shading and primary color mixing factor, and BaseStep property to adjust the proportion of first-order shading and the form of mixing
shadeStepStep size for second-order color
shadeFeatherBlending factor for second-order shading and first-order shading, and ShadeStep property to adjust the proportion of second-order shades and the form of blending
shadowCoverShadow covering factor
emissiveSelf-emitting colors, independent of lighting calculation, directly emitted by the model itself
emissiveScaleSelf-emitting intensity, used to control the weight of the impact of self-emitting color on the final color
normalStrengthNormal scaling
The xy axis of the normal can only be adjusted and scaled if USE_NORMAL_MAP is enabled
normalMapNormal mapping
can only be adjusted if USE_NORMAL_MAP is enabled
mainTextureThe main texture, which defines the base texture of the object.
Is displayed in the editor as baseColorMap and can only be adjusted if the USE_BASE_COLOR_MAP macro is enabled
shadeMap1The first-order color texture, if specified, will be multiplied by the set ShadeColor1. This item is only shown when USE 1ST SHADER MAP is checked.
shadeMap2Second-order color texture, if specified, it will be multiplied by the set ShadeColor2. This item is only shown when USE 2ND SHADER MAP is checked.
specularMapThe highlight map, if specified, will be multiplied with the highlight color. This item is only shown when USE SPECULAR MAP is checked.
emissiveMapSelf-Emitting map, if specified, it will be multiplied by the self-emitting color, so you need to turn up the RGBA in the self-emitting color (default is black) to get the effect. This item is only shown when USE EMISSIVE MAP is checked.

Pre-compiled Macro Definition

USE_INSTANCINGWhether to enable dynamic gpu instancing
USE_OUTLINE_PASSWhether to enable strokes Pass
USE_NORMAL_MAPWhether to use normal mapping
USE_BASE_COLOR_MAPWhether to use base color maps
USE_1ST_SHADE_MAPWhether to use the map as a first-order color scale
USE_2ND_SHADE_MAPWhether to use a texture as a second-order color map
USE_EMISSIVE_MAPWhether to use self-emitting maps
USE_ALPHA_TESTWhether to perform alpha tests
USE_SPECULAR_MAPWhether to use the highlight map
BASE_COLOR_MAP_AS_SHADE_MAP_1Use baseColorMap as first-order shading
BASE_COLOR_MAP_AS_SHADE_MAP_2Use baseColorMap as second-order shading
SHADE_MAP_1_AS_SHADE_MAP_2Whether second-order coloring is overlaid with first-order coloring