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Canvas Component Reference

canvas component

The node where the RenderRoot2D component is located is the data collection entry point for the 2D renderable component, and the Canvas component inherits from the RenderRoot2D component, so the Canvas component is also the data collection entry point. There can be multiple Canvas nodes in the scene, all 2D rendering elements must be rendered as children of RenderRoot2D.

In addition to the data entry capability inherited from RenderRoot2D, the Canvas node itself is also an important component for screen adaptation, and plays a key role in multi-resolution adaptation in game production. Please refer to the Multi-Resolution Adaptation documentation. The design resolution and adaptation scheme of Canvas are configured through Project Settings.


The Canvas itself has nothing to do with the camera, its main role is to adapt the screen as described above, so the rendering of the Canvas only depends on the camera corresponding to its node layer, and it can control the properties of the camera to determine the rendering effect of the nodes under the Canvas.

Canvas Properties

PropertyFunction Description
CameraComponentThe camera associated with the Canvas. This camera does not necessarily render the content under the Canvas, but can be used in conjunction with the AlignCanvasWithScreen property to automatically change some of the Camera's parameters to align with the Canvas.
AlignCanvasWithScreenWhether the camera associated with the Canvas should be aligned with the Canvas, do not check this option if it is necessary to control the camera position manually (like side-scrolling games, etc.)


If UI rendering errors, blurred screen, splash screen, etc are encountered, please refer to this detailed explanation.