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Reflection Probe

Starting from v3.7, Cocos Creator supports reflection probes.

A reflection probe is a component that takes reflected light from a selected range and applies it to the current scene using baking or realtime to improve the scene lighting confidence.

You can create reflection probes within a scene by selecting Light -> Reflection Probes in the Hierarchy or on the top menu.




SizeThe range of the reflection probe, which can be adjusted by manipulating Gizmo within the scene
Probe TypeTypes of Reflection Probes
CUBE: Reflection probe with baking support
PLANNAR: Reflection probe with real-time reflection support
ResolutionResolution of each face of the cube mapping after reflective probe baking
Options: Low_256x256/Medium_512x512/Hight_768x768
This option is only available when Probe Type is CUBE.
Background ColorBackground color, effective only when Probe Type is PLANNAR
Clear FlagThe clear flag of the camera specifies which part of the frame buffer is to be cleared each frame.
Contains SOLID_COLOR: clears the color, depth, and stencil buffers SKYBOX: enables the skybox and only clears the depth
VisibilityVisibility mask declaring the set of node hierarchies visible in the current reflection probe
Selectable via drop-down menu
Source CameraSpecify the camera for real-time reflections
This property is only available when Probe Type is PLANNAR
BakeBake button, click it to bake the reflection probe

Probe Type


There are two types of reflection probes for Cocos Creator.

  • CUBE:Bake the reflection information in the area onto a CUBE Map.


    With the reflection probe selected as CUBE, developers can select the size of the final baked map via the RESOLUTION drop-down menu below.

  • PLANNAR:Real-time relection probe type.

    Commonly used to simulate the surface of water, mirrors, marble or wet floors, etc.


    When the type of the reflection probe is modified to PLANNAR, the developer needs to configure the Source Camera property to determine which camera to use as the camera for the reflection probe.

The Size property can be adjusted via Gizmo within the Scene Editor as a way to modify the range of the reflection probe.


Art Workflow

The two art workflows supported by Reflection Probe can be found in Reflection Probe Art Workflow and IBL Example.