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Play or Sample Animation

The pose graph provides two types of nodes for reading poses from animations: play animation nodes and sample animation nodes.

In the following, "action" refers to animation clips or animation blends.

Play Animation

The Play animation node node plays the specified action, updates it every frame, and gets the pose of the current frame of the animation as output.

Start TimeWhen to start playing the action from whenever this node is reentered. Unit is in seconds.
Speed MultiplierThe playback rate of the action.
ActionThe action to sample.

Sampled Animation

The Sampled Animation Node samples the pose of the specified action at a given moment as output.

TimeThe time to sample.
ActionThe action to sample.
Use Normalized TimeWhether the node input time specifies a normalized time. The normalized time is the progress of the action in the range [0, 1]. For example, 1 means the last frame of the action, and 0.5 means 50% of the action progress.