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Web Preview Customization Workflow

Custom Preview Templates

Preview supports custom templates for users to customize the preview effect they need, and the custom preview template can be placed in the preview-template folder in the project directory. Or click Project -> Create Preview Template in the editor main menu to create an updated preview template in the project directory. The preview in the editor also uses the template to inject the latest project data, the preview will look for the index file in the directory and if it exists it will be used as the template for the preview.

The preview-template folder has a structure similar to

     // Required entry file
     // Other files can be added according to the preview effect you want to achieve

To start customizing the page preview, it should be noted that there are some preview menu items and preview debugging tools in the preview template. Be careful when adding or deleting some template syntax. Random changes may cause the preview template to be unavailable. It is recommended to keep all the content injected with ejs and then add the required content on top of it. Also, if index.html and index.ejs are coexisting, index.html will replace index.ejs as the preview page content.

Usage examples

  1. Click Project -> Create Preview Template in the editor main menu, the Console will output the message "Preview Template generated successfully" and show the path of the generated preview template.

  2. Add scripts like test.js, where <%- include(cocosTemplate, {}) %> contains the default start game logic, and the added scripts can be stored before/after the game logic is started as needed. The following test.js is loaded after the game is launched.

    • Open index.ejs and modify it as follows:

              <%- include(cocosTemplate, {}) %> // Game launch processing logic
              <script src="/test.js"></script> // Add a new script
    • test.js is placed in the relative path of the logo within the page (only in the preview-template folder)


For more details, please refer to the example Preview Template.