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Texture Animation Module

The texture animation module is used to animate the texture specified by the ParticleMaterial property in the Particle Renderer with the texture specified by the ParticleMaterial property as an animation frame to achieve an effect similar to the one in the following figure.




ModeSet the type of particle animation mapping, currently only Grid (grid) mode is supported. A texture contains one animation frame for particle playback.
NumTilesXThe number of maps divided by the texture in the horizontal (X) direction.
NumTilesYThe number of maps in the vertical (Y) direction of the texture.
AnimationAnimation playback methods, including:
WholeSheet: play all frames in the mapping;
SingleRow: play only one of the rows, the first row by default. Can be used with RandomRow and RowIndex properties.
RandomRowSelect a random row from the animation map to play the animation frames.
This item only takes effect when Animation is set to SingleRow.
RowIndexSelect a specific row from the animation map to play the animation frames.
This item only takes effect when Animation is set to SingleRow and RandomRow is disabled.
FrameOverTimeSet the animation playback speed.
When clicking the menu button button to the right of the input box to switch to using curve editing, it indicates the frame vs. time change curve of the animation playing in one cycle.
StartFrameSpecifies the frame at which the animation starts to play throughout the life of the particle system.
CycleCountThe number of times the animation frame will be repeated during the particle lifetime.