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Configuration System

The Cocos Creator extension provides a configuration management mechanism for saving user settings and data in the extension.

Configuration Types

There are two types of configuration types.

  1. editor configuration (editor)
  2. project configuration (project)

Editor Configuration

The editor configuration is used to store some editor-related user settings and data, and is divided into three priority levels, from high to low, as follows.

local -> global -> default

If there is no corresponding configuration in local, the configuration in global will be used, and if no corresponding configuration in global is found, the default default configuration will be used.

Project Configuration

The project configuration is used to store some project-related user settings and data, and is divided into two priority levels, from highest to lowest.

local -> default

Similar to the rules of Editor Configuration, when fetching configuration data, the configuration item in local will be used first, and if there is no corresponding configuration item in local, the default default configuration will be used.

Registering Configuration

To use the configuration system, you need to define the profile information in the contributions field of the extension definition file package.json, as follows.

    "name": "hello-world",
    "contributions": {
        "profile": {
            "editor": {
                "test.a": {
                    "default": 0,
                    "message": "editorTestAChanged",
                    "label": "Test Editor configuration"
            "project": {
                "test.a": {
                    "default": 1,
                    "message": "projectTestAChanged",
                    "label": "Test Project Configuration"

contributions.profile The related fields are interpreted as follows.

  • editor:{} - editor configuration
  • project:{} - project configuration
  • test.a:{} - key for the configuration of test.a
  • default:any - the default value of this configuration item, optional parameter
  • message:string - the message that will be triggered when this configuration item is modified, optional
  • label:string - where the configuration can be displayed, this description may be displayed. Supports i18n:key format, optional parameters

The TypeScript interface associated with profile is defined as follows.

interface ProfileInfo {
    editor: { [ key: string ]: ProfileItem };
    project: { [ key: string ]: ProfileItem };

interface ProfileItem {
    // Default data for configuration
    default: any;
    // This message is automatically sent for notification of configuration changes
    message: string;
    // A simple description of the role of configuration information, supporting the i18n:key syntax
    label: string;

Read and Modify Configuration

Importing Extension Definitions

import packageJSON from '../package.json';

If the last parameter of Editor.Profile.getConfig is empty, a priority match will be performed.

If the fetch location (one of local, global, default) is specified, the corresponding value will be returned. As shown below, local and global are undefined because they are not set.

await Editor.Profile.getConfig(, 'test.a'); // 0
await Editor.Profile.getConfig(, 'test.a', 'local'); // undefined
await Editor.Profile.getConfig(, 'test.a', 'global'); // undefined

Modify the Editor Configuration

Call getConfig after modifying the configuration with the following code to see the corresponding changes.

await Editor.Profile.setConfig(, 'test.a', 1);
await Editor.Profile.setConfig(, 'test.a', 'local', 2);
await Editor.Profile.setConfig(, 'test.a', 'global', 3);

Read Project Configuration

If the last parameter of Editor.Profile.getProject is empty, a priority match will be performed.

If the fetch location (either local, default) is specified, the corresponding value will be returned. As shown below, the local is undefined because it is not set.

await Editor.Profile.getProject(, 'test.a'); // 1
await Editor.Profile.getProject(, 'test.a', 'local'); // undefined

Modify the Project Configuration

Call getProject after modifying the configuration with the following code to see the corresponding changes.

await Editor.Profile.setProject(, 'test.a', 1);
await Editor.Profile.setProject(, 'test.a', 'local', 2);

Storage Paths

Editor Configuration Storage Path


Project Configuration Storage Path
