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Unlit is the most basic shading model, under which no light source from the engine can affect the final effect, and is applicable to:

  • Objects that are not affected by light sources
  • Scenes with low screen requirements or high performance requirements

When switching the shader to the Creator's built-in unlit shader (builtin-unlit.effect) in the material's Effect property, the following image is shown:


Art standards

For technical selection, to work with lighting under a model using the unlit material, draw the lighting information on the texture map and then drag the texture map into the MainTexture property box of the material.

To use PBR lighting, see: Physically Based Rendering


mainTextureThe main texture
tilingOffsetScaling and offset of the model UV, xy corresponds to scaling, zw corresponds to offset
mainColorThe main color, which will be processed within the slice shader
colorScaleMultiply with main color to scale the main color
alphaThresholdUsed for semi-transparent tests, with USE_ALPHA_TEST enabled, pixels smaller than this value will be discarded

Pre-compiled macro definitions

USE_INSTANCINGWhether to enable GPU geometry instancing
USE_VERTEX_COLORWhether to overlay vertex colors and alpha values
USE_TEXTUREWhether to use the main texture (mainTexture)
USE_ALPHA_TESTWhether to perform translucency testing (AlphaTest)
SAMPLE_FROM_RTWhether to sample from the RenderTexture or not, when checked the Y value of the UV will be flipped