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How to Get npm Packages

Installing Node.js

The npm package management tool npm is included in the Node.js distribution. It is ready to use after installing Node.js.

To confirm if the installation of npm was successful issue the following command:

> npm -v
# Possible output.
# 6.14.9

Installing npm packages

To install an npm package, execute the following command in the project root directory:

> npm install --save protobufjs

The above command will install the npm package protobufjs into the /node_modules directory and write the dependencies for this package to the file package.json.

The package.json file is an npm manifest file and needs to be included in version control.

Note: Cocos Creator recommends that the automatically generated package-lock.json be included in version control to ensure that the same version of the package is installed between multiple developers.

The /node_modules directory is generally not included in version control.

Once the dependencies have been written into the package.json, the following commands can be executed directly to reinstall or install in other environments:

> npm install

Expansion: Using npm mirrors

npm reads and downloads packages from the official npmjs source by default. Some countries or regions may have network issues that cause the installation to fail or install too slowly, it is recommended to fix this by switching mirrors.

First, install the npm package nrm globally:

> npm install -g nrm

Note: -g means global, the npm package will be installed directly on the current computer. Once it is done, there is no need to do it again.

To view valid npm images:

> npx nrm ls
# Possible output.
# * npm --------
# yarn -------
# cnpm -------
# taobao -----
# nj ---------
# npmMirror --
# edunpm -----

Choose the appropriate mirror according to the current region. The taobao mirror is a good choice for users in mainland China. Execute the following command to switch mirrors.

> npx nrm use taobao # or any suitable mirror

Note: this command is also global. Optionally, to switch only the mirror of the current project, see the nrm options documentation.

The mirror name npm is the name of the official source, and can be switched back to the official source with the following command:

> npx nrm use npm