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Features and System Versions

Modules and System Versions

VULKANAPI Level 24(7.0)-
Google Play InstantAPI Level 23(6.0)-
TBBAPI Level 21(5.0)10.0
TaskFlowAPI Level 18(4.3)12.0
Deferred Rendering PipelineAPI Level 21(5.0)10.0

C++ and System Versions

Cocos CreatorC++AndroidiOS
3.0C++14API Level 18(4.3)10.0
3.1~3.3.1C++17API Level 21(5.0)11.0
3.3.2 ~ 3.5.1C++14API Level 18 (4.3)10.0
3.6.0 以上C++17API Level 21(5.0)11.0

Note: Enabling the TaskFlow will automatically enable C++17 support for compilation, and TaskFlow requires iOS 12+ for its required features.

Supported Maximum System Versions

  • Android:API Level 31(13.x)
  • iOS:16.x