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自定义后效有两种方式,简单的后效可以直接将后效材质添加到 Blit-Screen 后效组件 上,复杂的后效需要自定义一个后效 pass 。

Blit-Screen 后效组件

参考 设置后效流程 添加 Blit-Screen 后效组件, 将自定义后效材质拖入 Material 属性中,Blit-Screen 会按照 Materials 数组顺序依次渲染后效材质。

Materials 属性中每个自定义后效材质都支持单独开关,方便开发者管理。


Dot Effect

具体可以参考 cocos-example-render-pipeline

自定义后效 Pass

如果需要自定义更加复杂的后效流程,你可以创建自定义后效 Pass 。


  1. 定义 PostProcessSetting 组件,传递参数到 CustomPass 中

    import { _decorator, Material, postProcess } from 'cc';
    const { ccclass, property, menu } = _decorator;
    export class CustomPostProcess extends postProcess.PostProcessSetting {
        blueIntensity = 1
        showDepth = false
        depthRange = 30
        _material: Material | undefined
        get material () {
            return this._material;
        set material (v) {
            this._material = v;
  2. 定义 CustomPass

    import { Vec4, gfx, postProcess, renderer, rendering } from "cc";
    import { CustomPostProcess } from "./CustomPostProcess";
    export class CustomPass extends postProcess.SettingPass {
        // custom pass name
        name = 'CustomPass'
        // out out slot name
        outputNames: string[] = ['CustomPassColor']
        // reference to post process setting
        get setting () { return this.getSetting(CustomPostProcess); }
        // Whether the pass should rendered
        checkEnable(camera: renderer.scene.Camera): boolean {
            let setting = this.setting;
            return setting.material && super.checkEnable(camera);
        params = new Vec4
        render (camera: renderer.scene.Camera, ppl: rendering.Pipeline) {
            const cameraID = this.getCameraUniqueID(camera);
            // clear background to black color 
            let context = this.context;
            // input name from last pass's output slot 0
            let input0 = this.lastPass.slotName(camera, 0);
            // output slot 0 name 
            let output = this.slotName(camera, 0);
            // get depth slot name
            let depth = context.depthSlotName;
            // also can get depth slot name from forward pass.
            // let forwardPass = builder.getPass(ForwardPass);
            // depth = forwardPass.slotName(camera, 1);
            // set setting value to material
            let setting = this.setting;
            this.params.x = setting.blueIntensity
            this.params.y = setting.showDepth ? 1 : 0;
            this.params.z = setting.depthRange;
            setting.material.setProperty('params', this.params);
            context.material = setting.material;
                // update view port
                // add a render pass
                .addRenderPass('post-process', `${}${cameraID}`)
                // set inputs
                .setPassInput(input0, 'inputTexture')
                .setPassInput(depth, 'depthTexture')
                // set outputs
                .addRasterView(output, gfx.Format.RGBA8)
                // final render
                // calculate a version
  3. 注册 custom pass

    let builder = rendering.getCustomPipeline('Custom') as postProcess.PostProcessBuilder;
    if (builder) {
        // insert CustomPass after a BlitScreenPass
        builder.insertPass(new CustomPass, BlitScreenPass);

具体可以参考 custom-pass